
Device Iphone Apple How To Generate Bug Full Hack Mod App TerraGenesis - Space Settlers Ipad 58


Venus & Earth / 451739 kb / Critique=Great game! I just want to point out that the way people talk about the moon, they don’t say “the moon”, they just say “moon”. For example, when I enter the game I see: “Your colonists on Moon have earned 50,000c!” It would be better for them to say: “Your colonists on THE Moon have earned 50,000c!” Obviously it wouldn’t be like that, it would say: “the Moon” not “THE Moon”. Another way you could do it is to name it “Luna” instead of Moon. It looks nicer either way / summary=Utilize real science from NASA to cultivate life on desolate planets. Think you have what it takes to bring a dead planet back to life? Can you settle the stars? / Publisher=Tilting Point / Terraform using NASA Science! / 4,6 of 5.


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